今天, 我们班上几个冬瓜签了早退证书, 到港口的教育局那边去报考SPM. 为什么要由我们自己来报考呢? 最大的原因是, 因为我们并没有上SPM的课程, 学校怕我们的SPM考试成绩影响到学校的及格率, 所以叫我们以私人报考生的名义去报考.
大概十一点半, 我们就到那边了. 去到里面, 要交borang给那个官员检查看有什么错误时, 那个官员竟然叫我们先准备好信封和Kiriman Wang(邮钱)才拿给他检查. Tmd, 如果钱给了他才检查的话, 出问题他负责咩? 算了, 到楼下的邮政局去买邮钱和邮票. 买邮钱的时候, 我们拼命填错, 一直拿新的表格, 差不多浪费了十多张. 最好笑的是, 老克竟然填错数字.他borang那边填着RM153, 但是他觉得是错的, 就多此一举地重新算了一遍, 少算两个50sen. 结果, 又浪费RM2手续费去买RM1的邮钱. 那时候真的是全场爆笑呢, 连那个邮政局员看到了都忍不住笑起来.
要回去交borang时, 他那边放一个牌说 "Waktu Rehat 1pm - 2pm". 唉, 只好先去吃午餐了. 出来时, 又看到一个经典画面. 一个公共垃圾桶烧了起来! 过几分钟, 就有guard拿灭火器过来灭火了. 可惜当时烟雾太大, 拍不出照片来. 大概是有人抽了烟没灭掉就丢进去, 弄到里面的易燃物烧起来. 天啊, 整个垃圾桶都烧焦了 ==
到了两点, 拿borang回去交, 过了一些手续, 终于可以回家了.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 3/30/2009 05:23:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
上网一半, 发现到了这首曲子. 虽然不是第一次听到, 不过没想到o2mania也会有人编写这首曲子, 忍不住就下载下来玩玩. 不错, 挺有难度.
这首曲子, 不知道是被施了魔法还是什么, 一开始玩, 一股感觉就冲上来了. 胸口纳闷起来, 脑子里也想着一些东西, 一些回忆也浮现出来了. 这种感觉, 一时分辨不出来叫什么. 想了一会, 想到了. 这感觉, 叫做伤感. 回忆, 一些是美好的, 但浮现出来的, 却是我埋藏在心里, 心灵深处不想挖出的回忆. 不管是什么曲子, 都难以让我真正地理解其内的含义. 然而, 这首曲子, 却在短短的三分钟内, 勾起了很多伤心的回忆; 那旋律, 在我脑海中, 抛不开. 曲子接近尾声时, 眼泪也不由自主地流了下来.
伤心的原因, 十之八九离不开"情"这个字. 一直以来不想去想的东西, 渐渐地跑了出来.
虽然有些人可能听过这首曲子, 但是还是想放上来和大家分享:
The truth that you leave - Superpiano
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 3/26/2009 08:36:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Raining, it's always been raining these days. The sound of the raindrop dripping brings uneasiness, for some reason. Opened a new private blog, without anyone invited, and never intend to. Let's get back to the post before we drift away.
Friends. Best Friends. Friendship. What does it really mean? What does it mean by being a friend? What does it take to be a good friend? How can we be one's best friend? Friendship, is it really that easy to create a bond between people?
To me, friends doesn't really mean much to me, but best friends could really cause an impact on me. Naturally, I consider all of my friends as best friends. Well, until the time I realized that I couldn't really share my real thoughts with most of my so-called 'friends'. It's then when I found the crucifying, yet realistic line of
separation between friends and true friends.
I consider a few of my friends as my TRUE friends. But for some reason, I couldn't understand them, nor do I have the chance to understand them, as they doesn't really want to open up themselves, at least not to me. They might share their happiness with you, but doesn't really say it out loud when they have problems, which is what I thought as the most important thing about friends.
Best friends who wouldn't share their utmost thoughts with you. Best friends who wouldn't be around you when you're feeling down. Best friends that you think that you couldn't share your thoughts with them. Best friends that you think is not trustworthy enough. Are they really our best friends?
I don't care how people comment me about my point of view against this topic, nor do I care about how people see me. True friends. They might really exist, but maybe just not soon enough, yet.
When will the rain finally stop?
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 3/24/2009 08:25:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Last Day
虽然题目是英文的,但为了一些看不懂英文的傻瓜朋友着想,最后还是决定了用华文写. 而且我也发现,用华文写的文章总是会有比较多的留言.
明天,就是考试的最后一天.紧接着来,就是一个短暂的假期. 虽然说假期是让人放松下来的, 但是在这个小小的假期里, 却包容了许许多多的计划. 华乐团练习/演出, 班歌练习, 钢琴练习, 补习等等, 就足够把八成的时间都烧掉了. 但是, 我还是感觉到庆幸; 至少我的假期不是虚幻的度过的.
过了明天, 许多人的心情就会变好; 过了明天, 许多人的烦恼就会消失; 过了明天, 许多人的脸上又会恢复了平常的样貌. 明天, 就是最后一天了. 做好最后的冲刺, 向明天去吧!
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 3/12/2009 10:28:00 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My Own Ways of Studying
I know that this post did come abit too late, but I decided to share some of my studying ways with whoever who visits this blog. (I know that this post is abit too long, but just bear with it ;) )
Recently, I kept hearing about friends are working out late in the night or midnight, some even until dawn. I don't think that's the right way to go. The time between 11pm and 3pm is the time that our body and mind (or even soul? rofl) needs to rest. We should be SLEEPING during that hour. Try waking up early in the morning (around 5am), and start your studies by then. You should be able to get some better studying results. Oh yeah, and if you couldn't wake up on time, get an alarm clock or hire a friend to blast your phone ;D
Also, do not crap your head inside the books. Study for 15 minutes, then take a small break for a few minutes. Play your guitar, piano, or just look out of your window; Let your mind have time take in what you had just read, and go back for another 15 minutes. During the 15 minutes, you must have ZERO distraction. Use that time to totally focus on your book. Repeat the process and you'll find it effective in no time.
We should read and go through through what the teacher is going to teach the next day at least one time. That's the main and primary reason why we should bring our textbook home, and not just leave it in school. If you're just lazy, then flip through the book during the time that the teacher is not in the class yet. By doing this, you're able to get an idea what is going to be taught and it'll be easier to remember and recall.
Lastly, MAKE NOTES! Three type of notes. Pre-class notes, In-class notes and EXAM notes. Pre-class notes are made before the teaching period starts, mostly used to get an whole idea about the chapter. In-class notes, everyone knows how to do it. Just copy down whatever you think is important that is wrote on the blackboard. Here comes the most important part; EXAM notes. Just highlight the main points that you had prepared in your pre-class and in-class notes and copy them down. Now you have it, notes to prepare for EXAM!
So did you make it here? I'm proud of myself that I can actually write all the way here. Hope this helps ya' all.
As usual, Hope uAllFaiL Good luck in your exams! ;)
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 3/10/2009 10:45:00 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Been gone for more than a week, mostly because of being in a state of laziness abstractive mentality rejunevation.
Exam is 'round the corner, but I bet most of us just isn't ready for it yet. The exam starts this Saturday, but I didn't even get my notes photocopied from my friend yet. Now I have to suck up all of my weekend's resting and playing time into studying. Great, just great! (And obviously, I don't mean it)
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Add Maths - four mind-breaking and soul-ripping subjects. These subjects tends to take everything from you, but too bad, we're actually resistant towards it.(It means that we're trying to be lazy ;D) Was trying to drop Biology since most of the courses that I might be interested in is totally non-relative with it, but my parents wanted me to take Biology, just in case of some
future problems. (Well, we couldn't predict the future =P)
Might be gone for another week too, to prepare for the exams. If I'm staying 'round my comp, it's going to get me banned from the room D;Hope uAllFail Good luck in your exams :D
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 3/05/2009 11:44:00 PM 1 comments