Thursday, February 26, 2009


最近有点无聊.. 上来blogspot又不知道要写什么好. 有时候开了真的想直接关掉, 因为真的是没有东西写.

考试即将来临了, 我都还没开始做什么准备呢~ 看来这次是真的死定了! 唯一的方法就只有跟朋友借笔记来复印了.. 要不然.. 不敢想象 ==

开了部落格, 才知道原来每个人都有属于自己的烦恼. 这些烦恼, 有些是很容易解决的, 有一些必须靠自己去解决, 但有一些, 却必须去靠时间来解决. (我拥有的烦恼, 可能三种都有包容在内吧 ;P )

每个人都有属于自己的生活, 也不是说随随便便就能插进一脚的. 最近, 有一个朋友invite我去读他的blog, 并且说他的这个blog只有我一个人能看到. (!?) 我想, 这个可以算是一个朋友给予另一个朋友所谓-真正的信任-吧.

对予这件事情, 我可以说我感觉到非常意外. 但是, 我可以向你保证; 你写在blog里的那些东西, 除非你自己公开, 不然就不会有第三个人知道. 这个就是我唯一能回覆他对我的信任的方法.

Between life and death,
time exists;
Between truth and lies,
nothing exists.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


很多人都没有谈过恋爱, 但是都应该有过喜欢一个人的经验吧. 这种感觉有时是短暂的, 有时候是长久的; 有时候是强烈的, 但有时候是微弱的.

坦白说, 我觉得我自己会很容易就对一个人有感觉, 所以每当我一开始有这种感觉时, 我就会开始避开对方 (或者想办法让对方避开我 ;D). 人, 会这么做, 也只有一个原因吧. 至少我并不奢望有人会喜欢我, 因为谁都知道, 是不可能的. 也许有人会说我花心, 也也许会有人说我不专一, 但是这些对我来说, 并不重要; 我就是这样, 没人能改变得了. 我也不需要被一些不可能的东西困扰着.

有些人会问我: 我到底有没有谈过恋爱? 如果说有, 你可能不信; 但如果说没有, 又不是真的. 说实话, 我只谈过一次恋爱, 但并不长. 我也敢说, 这场恋爱绝不是美好的回忆. 也因为这个"初恋", 令我对这种感觉完全失去信心.

在此, 我想告诉某些人:

有些人说, 只有失去才会珍惜拥有;
但我觉得, 一个人必须在失去之前就应该学会珍惜;
当你在失去之后 才学会珍惜;

但是过后带来的伤害, 并不是你所可以想象的.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Enjoying Life: With Friends

Hate to admit it but.. These monkey faces are my classmates, or more precisely, best friends. The picture was taken during Biology class, with the absence of three persons inside, including me. Hmm, where are the two other persons?

Tada! One of 'em! Yep, it's the one lying on the table :D Rumor says that he attended the "P" Level Motor License Test and skipped school for the day. (Better fetch me around once you get your license, or you'll get it =P) As for the other person, he was acting emo 'round and he decided to kept his photo and identity confidential too: Boring!

Every day spent with these guys are just plain fun, and it's nice to have them 'round: Friends that you can play with, friends that you can chat with, and most importantly, friends that you can trust. Smile, laughter, or even mental breaks reigns over you when you spend your time with them :P How long will happy times like this last? I'm not sure, but there's one thing that I can be sure of: I'm enjoying my current life; with them.

Cherish what you have currently, and don't hope for something out of your reach. Try too hard and you'll even lose what you have now.

Lastly, a few sentences that I felt like writing off:

My life and fate,
is up for me to decide, no one else can;
It's been like this,
it's now like this,
and it'll always be like this.
I'll decide how I live,
and what I do;
Not you.

佩欣=傻瓜+白木 =)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

不怎么好 平凡的情人节

对不起..好像迟了些上新帖. 闷在家里又没什么事做, 只好来看看我这生了灰尘的部落格了.

14/2 终于过了..当天也没发生什么好事.

那天,就陪星佑去找他心爱的小矮人 傻瓜 女生. 一开始,他跟我说他没那么早到, 结果用了两块钱换好token刚开始玩枪击游戏时, 他就过来了, 结果就害到他要等我半句钟 =)

好了, 打完游戏了, 就拉他陪我去选鞋子. 看到一双不错的, 马上就选了. 哪里知道准备付账时, 发现有另一双更合我意的. 唉..算了, 钱都已经放在柜台了, 后悔也没用 ==

买好了鞋, 星佑就去找女生咯~ 到了redbox, 他又不敢sms人家叫人家出来, 在那边纠缠了差不多10分钟后, 他才肯叫人家出来. 送了礼物, 又没有东西做, 当然是到附近的网吧去打机咯! 结果哪里知道, 那边的电脑lag到像粪样, 差点要打爆那个四方格. 不止浪费了钱与时间, 还惹到了自己一肚子气.

到了晚上, 我们就去看"好人"的签唱会了. 在那边又遇到了小矮人 傻瓜 星佑喜欢的人, 而他又不敢过去跟人家讲话, 结果人家就跑了过来找他. 他们说话时的表情真的会令人笑到被抬进医院呢 =)

就这样, 一个 无聊+平凡的情人节又过了.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This might be a commonly seen topic for everyone now. Almost everyone around me have troubles or problems with it. (To name some: qx2, Jst, pk, cl =/)

For me, I actually longed for love, and even sacrificed for it, maybe more than anyone else. But, do I get what I really want? Surely not. Thinking back in time, I did made a lot of stupid, selfish thoughts for myself. Maybe 'cuz it's always "ichi men-ed" so that I don't really understand how it feels to be indulged inside.

For some reason, I'm starting to lose interest in this commonly seen word.
Maybe it's a good thing after all.

Lonely Valentine Coming Soon =/

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lunar Eclipse

The moon was round, and bright. Rounder than ever, Brighter than ever. Too bad the lunar eclipse didn't came out (My friend saw the eclipse in China, but maybe it isn't visible at Malaysia)

Total.. disappointment.


早上醒来望着闹钟 : 8.50a.m.

...9点不是要在学校开华乐团执委会议吗? 当时我心里只有一个念头: 我还想继续睡 糟了. (不能怪我, 我昨天4点才睡)

心不甘情不愿地从床上爬了下来(其实是被朋友踢下来), 拿了毛巾, 发现被朋友抢先一步, 厕所被霸掉了. (...算了, 回去睡觉...) 他一出来,又再拉我下床. 冲了5分钟澡, 结果到学校时已经9.30了.

站在华乐室外面时, 听到校长的声音, 完蛋了. 进到里面, 被质问了一些话, 到头来还是因为迟到被扣3分.

5个小时的会议: 糟透了.大家都只希望会议快点结束, 结果就随便的做了份简短的报告, 哪里知道被校长补充了许多东西, 反而把会议拖长了. 早上又没吃早餐, 等到2.30, 定好的午饭才送了过来. 过了今天, 我终于知道什么叫做食物的美味了. 吃了顿饭, 喝了罐臭酸的柠檬茶, 结果4:30回到家, 厕所爆炸.

听说今晚10点可以看到的月亮是73年来最圆的, 而且也有可能发生月食. 拿好相机, 准备狂拍咯!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

School Days 2nd Part

Altec Lansing 5:1 Surround Controller

Another camera day in school. A brand new adventure starts here :D

Aww look at here. Some class rules made specially for our class. It's just funny that our teacher can even thought about those rules. Besides, we need to pay a certain amount of "fine" for breaking the rules, different amount for different rules. (e.g: Sleeping in class takes 20cents per second. It's even more expensive than staying in a 5-star hotel!)

Wow. 帅哥! Isn't he stylish + cool :D

Huh? Intel Centrino Duo Inside?

Err.. Maybe not.

Look at the person behind. His pose was even more outstanding than the one intended!

Someone brought his laptop to school for it's "out-of-factory" maintenance + upgrading. He's lucky that I did it for free :P

Here's Today's main model : Leon |a.k.a| Muscleman! Cool! More poses please? :D

Honestly, you need to build up more muscles before trying this pose. Fail! :D

Well, that's all for today. Back to composing :P

Friday, February 6, 2009

Composing/Arranging Scores

Suddenly had an urge on creating or recompose some music pieces.

Here's a few pages of a piano score that I wrote myself for some song that I found on the internet (NOTE that it is not complete yet, some parts may sound weird, and it's only half of it :P)

Song Name: Please Don't Cry
Composer : Unknown

Here's the link for the example MIDI file:
Mirror 1

More coming out soon. Stay Tuned! :D

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I've updated my blog link and surprisingly you need to re-add me to the followers for the dashboard updates to work.

"请问你是膺启吗? 我是永康老师."

...Shit. Now the discipline teacher wants to see me. I wonder what'll happen at Wednesday. (Great, just great! Oh well, let bygone be bygones, no use worrying about :P)

After piano class, some of my friends came over to have dinner in my house. One of them brought a brand new laptop here and intended to steal copy some programs from me. Of course I gave him some, but not all. (Well, with a tiny bit of "gift"? He might be surprised, or even scream like hell in JOY when he reboots his laptop back at home :P)

After kicking their asses off back their home, Me and a friend (who's staying at my home for the night) went for "fireworks hunting". We went around nearly the whole area near my house and counted how many big fireworks were shot. "Bang! RM20!" "Bang! Another RM20!" "Small Bang! Bah! That doesn't count!" (Man, acting like crazy folks around the area sure is fun :P)

And so, we dialed some of our friends and asked them a few stupid questions. "Hey fish, you saw those fireworks?!" (Poor girl, woke up from her sweet dream by an idiotic old man)

We went around the Kek Lok Si Temple too. The lights aren't very attractive, but I regret forgetting my camera at home. Bad chance :(

Okayyyyy. should stop 'round here. If not I won't be getting enough sleep for tomorrow morning's tuition :P


Hooray for one day holiday! :D