初二晚上时,跟一些朋友及家人出了少许的摩擦. 到了今天早上又和一些人意见不合,差点打起来.本来说下午去看戏的,哪里知道到了那边又被一些白痴放飞机,自己一个人呆在电影院里,像傻瓜一样.
他妈的,今年的新年到底是出了什么鸟问题啊? 我很好欺负啊? 现在感觉很想打人 t(#_#t)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 1/28/2009 11:00:00 PM 5 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy CNY!
It's finally CNY! Wishing everyone a happy new year and hope you all enjoy this week's holiday :D
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 1/26/2009 01:05:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Countdown : New Year
这是我第一篇用华文写的文章..有任何差错, 请各位见谅一下.
还有一个小时,农历新年就到了..(这个星期里都没什么计划呢) 不知道为什么,下午起就开始心烦了起来,头痛也紧接着来了. 还好这时候还有一些朋友陪着我, 先谢谢他们啦!
今年的新年..其实也不怎么期待. 除了跟家人出去拜年看亲戚拿红包拍拍屁股走人, 也没其他东西做了. 最好是有朋友找我出去走走, 要不然呆在家里也是整天面对着这个四方块~ (看到这段就醒目点, 知道要怎么做了吧!)
除此之外,这个新年还要被一些事情烦着, 知道事实的人就教教我要怎么做吧 :(
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 1/25/2009 10:00:00 PM 1 comments
To Whom It May Concern
Do you think that you're one of the best?
No you aren't.
Do you think that you're good enough order everyone here to do whatever you want?
NO you cant.
Do you think that you are better than everyone here?
Why do you always like to act so high and mighty when you're not even "qualified" to do so? Don't you understand that everyone here is just lazy to argue with you? And you're just trying to take everything as granted? Get a life.
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 1/25/2009 12:41:00 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Outing : Gurney Plaza
Argh.. Today might be the worst day since 2009. Woke up in the morning having a slight headache, I should've just give up the idea of going out. But since I promised someone that I would bring her back home, I just forced myself -_- ( And in the end someone else fetched her home, meaning that me going there is just a waste of time and effort)
Reached there around 1:35. They already had their lunch when I met them, and I couldn't ask them to join me for lunch (YES, EMPTY STOMACH DAY! woot :D). After that, they went for karaoke (ish, something which I doesn't like too much, since I'm really bad at singing). *Gosh, all alone again*
Oh well. I separated with them and went to a cyber-cafe nearby to meet my old mates instead. They asked me for a game, and that 1 hour made my headache worse.
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 1/18/2009 10:21:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Boring Schooldays
Bahhh.. School is getting more and more boring.. So I decided to bring a camera to school and take some pictures around :D
Some are taken for fun but most are taken intentionally :D
This is our form teacher.. Man, isn't he cute Cool? Teaching Add Maths and didn't even notice when I took his photo HAHAOur dearest class monitor sleeping during class.. Maybe Add Maths is too boring for him.
Some random pictures that I took while having tuition and on the way back home (Yes, I wasn't paying attention to class was taking a break)
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 1/15/2009 08:07:00 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Studies, More studies
School Gathering Day, a day that some idiotic people might be afraid of. If you ask why, it's because of the regular uniform checkup. (Congratulations to Mr. Otto and the "chibi guy" for having their free haircut in the office :D)
Stepping into the new year, I slightly regret taking both SPM and UEC together. just imagine what do I have to go through for just the SPM syllabus.
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 1/13/2009 08:01:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
1st Day of 2nd Week
Yesterday's outing was boring, with just only 4 person on the go. Why the hell would the Chinese Orchestra have a performance on that day? It's the day before our dear ex-schoolmate takes his flight back to Bali (Oh well, nvm). :(
Here comes the 2nd week of schooling, and I've not even started at being serious yet I think I should start to concentrate on my studies (And by that, it means less games, less movies, less slacking time and more work time, oh great). Really hope to have one more year though (then life wouldn't be so hectic HAHA)
Just glanced through the newspaper and saw that one leader of some college or university got punched in the face when he's giving a speech. Why do people resort to violence that easily? If they have something to object, they should've just stated it otherwise. Violence doesn't solve anything IMO. It's shameful to express yourself by violence.
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 1/12/2009 05:44:00 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Worst Feeling Ever
Few days ago, one of my friends experienced the worst feeling that could be felt ever : Forgotten or ignored by someone else that he would NEVER forget. I never knew that someone could be that harsh to another person.Even though my friend proactively tried to speak with her when they met, she just turned around and went away (What a nice thing to do *Sigh*).
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 1/11/2009 10:21:00 PM 0 comments
New Year, New Choice
After numerous thoughts, I thought I should try writing a blog too. *Yep, inspired by someone else*
First of all to start, This is my first try to blogging. (Maybe I do have some serious grammar mistakes, but I'll try on improving myself :P) Having so many TROUBLING events happening all over the time, I thought that writing a blog would help at expressing myself to some intended person (or unintended, if they bother to), or just to act as a record to what had happened.
I don't have anything in mind what to write now, but maybe I'll try after some time.
I think that's all for the first post. (Happy Belated b'day to someone :D)
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 1/11/2009 09:43:00 PM 0 comments