晚上10.28 :
老爸進來, 叫我上去跟他一起討論數學. 我說, 等我五分鐘, 把東西做完先;
晚上10.31 :
老爸再度走進來, 跟我說他已經等了十分鐘.
進來, 就坐在椅子上, 說了說, 說完了就罵.
晚上10.41 :
他走掉的時候, 我很想跟他說: "如果你剛剛沒罵的話, 我已經早關掉電腦, 在樓上做數學13分鐘了."
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 4/26/2009 10:47:00 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
最近看了些短篇文章, 发现原来看着一行行的文字, 某种道义来说, 也是一种兴趣. 慢慢的, 开始寻找一些文章或小说来阅读已经是我生活中的一部分.
"Hey, lend me some of your novels written by Hiyawu."
"Because the sky is so high?" (Rofl.)
这是我跟班上其中一只猫借书时, 他给我的回答. tmd, 借你一本书要你命咩? 算了, 书是他的, 他也有不借的权利; 还好找到了另一个朋友借我, 先谢谢他了 ;)
看着桌上的书, 我顿时有了一个想法;
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 4/24/2009 10:16:00 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I'm tired of this. Nothing matters now.
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 4/21/2009 10:44:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Went to school this morning, with high expectations that most of the committees would come for the "gotong-royong" of the orchestra room. I suspected that most of my expectations will come out exactly incorrect, and so it did. 9 out of 18 committees came, and yes, a fine absent rate of 50.00000%.
Great. Now we're forced to do the cleaning and re-positioning ourselves. Few bruises here and there, but not as serious as our Mr. Tall, who hit his own hand on the same spot for three times. (wait, maybe not; as he could still L4D for the rest of the day in the cyber-cafe ;) )
Didn't know that there was so much thing to do. Re-arranging the scores, smashing the cabinets, going crazy on ourselves etc. Took a whopping 5 hours to complete these tasks, which could be completed faster, if not for those experienced pilots.
I lost my camera. wuttaheck. Gone since last week, and still no luck at finding it. Now I'm getting myself involved in some serious shit =/ (Trouble trouble, and more trouble.)
Guess I'll need to save some my allowance or find some good businesses to buy a new DSLR camera.
Maybe a small advertisement here:
Doing Maintenance/Formatting for PCs, Laptops, and also acting as a reseller for customized PCs. contact me by MSN if interested ;)
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 4/19/2009 11:08:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
It's been a long time since I had posted on this blog. I just couldn't bring myself up to write anything. Just being plain lazy (lol ;P)
3rd day of the MSSPP Basketball competition. Surprisingly, Our school nearly had a perfect score. Attached below is the results of our school for today.
Posted by Xen | a.k.a | Frosty at 4/15/2009 07:19:00 PM 0 comments